Hello Beautiful People, 

Dave Steel and I are back on home soil in South West Vic and are doing a couple of homecoming shows soon! Hope to see you xxx

Saturday July 6th-  Mechanic's Hall , Birregurra 7.30 pm

Sunday July 7th - The Door Gallery Cafe, Fyansford Geelong

New album Starry Stuff ... Out now

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New Release Starry Stuff 2023 

In March 2022, we recorded Starry Stuff. It was recorded live over 2 days by musician/ technician Jed Pickett, at the Rolling on the River Studio in the Huon Valley, Tasmania. The band on the album consists of some of Tassie’s finest including… Dave Steel (guitars), Ross Smithard (violin and mandolin), Matt Boden (piano), Louis Gill (bass) and Jeremy Marcotte (drums). 

 The recording sessions … 

 “The weekend was magic, there was a lot of nervous energy because we had so little time to get all the tracks done. The studio is an old apple shed perched over the Huon River so the views out every window are amazing. I’m sure this inspired us somehow….nature does that…Jed Pickett was great at getting us all settled… the first song was Cold Country, it took ages, I think because I just needed to relax… after that they all went down pretty easily….it was just a wonderful weekend of musical collaboration with a bunch of highly skilled and big-hearted people. We ate lunch out on the deck and Jeremy Marcotte enjoyed a spot of fishing and paddle-boarding in the breaks which was entertaining.  It was an intense weekend, but we all left with the feeling that we had just been a part of something really special. Everyone’s contributions were incredible and strong and there was a lot of love floating around, love for doing this thing that is at the core of us all There’s nothing like recording live like this…. It’s so organic you get the spirit of it somehow…and something magic happens… 

           Dave Steel mixed the album in our home studio. He did the most amazing job, we were hoping to capture that old fashioned sound of some of our favourite albums, I think the mixes are truly great… the mastering guys Tony Mantz (and John Clayton) were also really helpful giving us some feedback about levels and frequencies that needed to be tweaked. This is gold when you’re working in a slightly dodgy home studio situation where you’re not sure what you’re hearing… so yeah…. A whole lot of love and joy went into this album… and I think it comes through….

I'm so happy to send this little bird out into the airwaves. I feel thoroughly honoured to have worked with such wonderful people on this project, they are each one of them masterful musicians and technicians and every note and careful tweak is deeply appreciated. This was truly a team effort.

I am looking forward to singing these songs out in the world and hope to see you all out on the road very soon. 

New things..... 100% Australian cottonT-shirts and tote bags just in... will be available here soon

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